A80s Review

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A80s Review

Post by Cowpervelo »

I have followed this forum from the sidelines for nearly a year now and became more and more curious about NVA components. In the end, my curiosity got the better of me and, several months ago, I purchased a pair of A80s (Mk II) to replace a B&K ST140 in my system. The rest of the system consists of Arcam Alpha CD player, PS90sa pre-amp, Rogers LS5a or Spendor SA1 speakers, Super Sound Pipes and LS5 cables.

What a dramatic improvement in sound quality! Many times I have sat listening and shaken my head in amazement (and disbelief) at what I was hearing. Every aspect of sound quality dramatically improved. This was especially true with the Rogers speakers: every instrument true to character, clear and with realistic weight. A Steinway ‘Grand’ sounded, well….like a Steinway ‘Grand’. Yet delicate sounds were also easily audible. Even in the middle of loud orchestral passages (e.g. the final movement of Mahler’s 5th symphony) the sound of a triangle could clearly be heard. I could go on and on. The Walter Legge recordings of the Mozart operas, Miles Davis’ ‘Kind of Blue’, The Stan Getz Quartet ‘Pure Getz’ and of course the great albums of The Band (particularly Music from Big Pink and The Band). All of these recordings amazed me anew.

Replacing the Rogers with the SA1s made a big difference: some loss of clarity and weight but a very noticeable improvement in image. It was as if somebody threw a veil over the sound but also made the image much sharper. Clearly, the A80s have made an enormous improvement to my system. It makes me wonder what other additions would sound like (Cubes, LS6s etc.). Oh dear, what have I started….!

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Re: A80s Review

Post by jammy395 »

Welcome Cowpervelo (Is that your real name..!!) :think:
NVA - Bit of an ear opener isn't it. :clap:

Glad to hear your curiosity was well rewarded because whilst not jumping in at the deep end of the NVA pool (Statement range) you didn't exactly jump in the shallow end either with MK2 A80's.....Nice one Mr C.

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Re: A80s Review

Post by Cowpervelo »

Thanks Jammy. Yes definitely an ear opener, it was really really amazing. I am wondering what it would take to get another jump in quality though I can look at the obvious NVA candidates (pricier cables, Cubes etc.). Unfortunately I live on an island west of most of you and the couriers charge a fortune to ship so the Docs sale or return model doesn't work so well.

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Re: A80s Review

Post by Andrew »

Nice one! It's great to hear of other people's experiences with NVA amps, especially the A80s.

Hopefully, Jammy and I will still get to scratch the A80 itch......unless we win the lottery and just go the whole way to Cubix Pro :D if I land the jackpot, I'll shout you a pair too, Jammy. If the Doc can cope with the demand, that is :lol:

I recently bought an a Arcam Alpha Plus just for nostalgia and I was very surprised by how gorgeous it sounded. Although I don't have one now, I'm a big fan of the Naim CDI which is also a TDA1541 player. The Arcam does a lot of things the Naim can do at a fraction of the price. It sounds fab with NVA so no wonder you are enjoying your setup. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

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Re: A80s Review

Post by Cowpervelo »

Thanks Andrew.
You touch on one of my questions. On my wish list, should I think of a different CD player or should I just stay with the Arcam Alpha? I have very little experience compared to you guys so any advice is welcome.

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