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Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:35 pm
by Jimbo
Thanks, but the AP range are integrated amps right? I just want phono, hence the question about the power amplifier with volume control. To use with my phono stage as the pre.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:11 pm
by zebbo
What's an integrated if not a power amp with a volume control??
No NVA amps have an active pre-amp stage as far as I know.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:45 am
by terrybooth
Jimbo wrote:Thanks, but the AP range are integrated amps right? I just want phono, hence the question about the power amplifier with volume control. To use with my phono stage as the pre.
The difference is the input selector. If you don't want that, you can ask the Doc to make an A-product (power amp) with a volume control. It will have one line level input and speaker outputs. Of course, if you want mono amps you will need an attenuator on each and I think there may be some restriction on the type of attenuator you can put on (e.g. stepped attenuators).
You will, as you say, need a separate phono pre amp.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:58 am
by Jimbo
Terrybooth, that's exactly it. An A product amplifier with a line level input (cos my phono stage is active, right? Not passive), and a volume control.

How about it doc? I'd be interested to hear what you have to say.

I'm surprised, actually, that such things are not more readily available. The simplicity appeals to me, and surely removing the input step in the chain would make a positive (if small) difference to the sound. Not to mention the removal of crackling switches from the equation. Not to suggest that NVA switches crackle... but I've had various amps and they have all suffered from dodgy switches at one time or another.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:02 am
by 29mile
All NVA pre's have a direct input sockets whereby you bypass the selector switch making it a single source pre. Worthwhile marginal increase in sound quality imho.

Yes NVA phono's are active and opamp based. You might consider a Phono 2 with a volume control ( if it fits in the case ). It has a separate power supply therefore no hum issues.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:49 pm
by terrybooth
Jimbo wrote:
I'm surprised, actually, that such things are not more readily available.
When the NVA ebay store is back up, I think you will find listed a volume control option. Add this to a power amp and in a few weeks what you seek will turn up on your doorstep.

I'll leave the Doc to answer the point about sonic benefits. It'll certainly save you the cost of a set of interconnects.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:11 pm
by Jimbo
Thanks, 29mile, but a new phono stage as well is out of my means at the moment.

Nice one Terrybooth, looks like the option I need. I'll keep my eyes open.

Looking forward to trying the NVA sound. I've heard lots of good things about it.


Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:57 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
I can do the job either way, and it makes no difference to me apart from if the vc is in the phono unit then the control is before the interconnect, or if in the power amp after the interconnect, and that fact makes damn all difference to anything.

I am not opening the shop until the 27th, there is no point opening over Christmas and not doing the work, as I have a few repairs to do over that time. Then just pick a power amp and add £30 if stereo and £60 if mono for vc. You can order here in the NVA order page if you want one of the specials or ebay.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:16 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Sorry still not burrowed them out yet, but I do know there are AP20s and A30s.

Obviously the A30 will need a pre-amp or a VC built in them.

AP20's used to be my most popular amp in the 90's, they are very musical little beasts. I must get a better pic for them though than the one at ebay.

Re: Bloated Stock Room

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:47 pm
by guydarryl
Hi Doc,

Sorry to hear about your 'flu - no need for a fast response to this.

I would be interested in your bloated stock, but have very little in the way of spare funds, so:

I have a Meridian 101 pre amp in the loft, which I think would be useable as a phono stage with your A40 monoblocks (you mentioned that you may have mk1 cases in your spare stock), am I correct in thinking this?
However, I also understand that this would not be useable as a phono stage with the A30's which you may be selling, am I also correct on this?

The reason I ask is that vinyl is still my main source but I could not run to also buying one of your (or any one elses!) phono preamps :violin:

get well soon. Guy.