DIY Armboard

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Oldpinkman »

If you need any more help with the Export or other PT's you'll find me on AOS - where I might suggest you go to the manufacturer for spare parts. (Even when the manufacturer isn't NVA)
Not Funk Firms paid marketing department - but friend of Arthur K's and ex-Pink Triangle.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by jammy395 »

Oldpinkman wrote:Andrew
If you need any more help with the Export or other PT's you'll find me on AOS - where I might suggest you go to the manufacturer for spare parts. (Even when the manufacturer isn't NVA)
Pinky - Please let me start by offering an apology (Sorry :oops: ) if you feel I have offended you in some way, I assure you it was not my intention.
I only say it the way I see it - It is my own opinion, any regular guy's, here will tell you I aint so bad once you get to know me.
I, and im sure the rest of us here at HFS admire your expertise on PT's (Second to none)... :clap:
Myself and im sure Andrew & other members enjoy your post's.
Please continue to post here at HFS.....Don't let us look for you over at the censorship :animals-sheep: park. (It's scary over there)... :shifty:
As the heading to this site states "This is not an NVA forum"
We enjoy abusing (Sorry discussing) all other manufactures products, as a quick browse will show.
Come on back and boot my ball's - Before Doc does. :pray:

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Dr Bunsen Honeydew »

Pinky - Jammy is Jammy, take him with a big pinch of salt, sometime he irritates and offends, but then he makes a post that has you spitting your tea all over with laughter. In reality he has a heart of gold, put up with him like the rest of us do.

Yup Jammy, you went a wee bit too far this time, you needed to make that apology.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Dr Bunsen Honeydew »

Oldpinkman wrote:Jammy
Having owned both - you cannot begin to conceive the difference. The 1042 is a very decent cartridge. The u205 was the best ever made. ..
For me I prefer my Ortofon SPU Gold and even my Decca Super Gold (when I had it). It is an astonishingly smooth and accurate cart, but for me is a little boring. I am in two minds about keeping it as it may be it just doesn't like the PL71 and finding a good original one is like trying to find hens teeth.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Andrew »

Cheers, Richard. I'm very grateful for your advice and expertise. I have even more of a feeling that I've probably not got close to wringing the most out of previous PTs and this time I'm determined to do it right.

For my part, I've never seen any of your posts on here or AoS about PT/funk as being anything other than enthusiasm for products you love. Let's face it, the vast majority of them are no longer made so people could only go and buy used if they wanted them. You're also very open and honest about the fact many of them are less than bomb proof :D

From my limited dealings with Arthur, I have to say I've not found anyone less interested in selling anything to me. In fact, he seemed more interested in buying anything interesting that I had stashed away :D

I also enjoy your posts here and on AoS, so I really hope you stick around. Its nice to see someone who is passionate about kit that is creative, innovative and designed by one clever bloke as opposed to something bolted together in a Chinese factory. From my perspective, you can talk as much Pink Funk as you like :lol:

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Oldpinkman »

Thanks all. Not normally a sulky school girl. Stuff going on in the real world (school friend with lung cancer) and just seem to get in trouble for everything I post. Been in the naughty corner again at the Mains cables and Technics turntable shrine site, with il duce, based on what he thought I meant to write, rather than what I actually wrote, threatening bans. All very tiresome
No offence taken Jammy - I've even tidied those mains cables up now I'm not fiddling about with a Marco-style donkey's walloper.

As for cartridges - the 205 worked SOOOO well in an orion on a PT - particularly Anni. It was an easy load, worked in most arms, had charts to die for, and I loved the sound. Particularly compared with some of the fashionable moving coils which couldn't track for toffee (at that time). Recently heard a Decca London gold for the first time at Funks factory and was seriously impressed - and it is very much on my radar to check out. I had assumed it was the reason the solid deck sounded better than my bouncer (classic bit of cognitive dissonance) - when actually other factors were responsible. But still great. Not heard the SPU gold, but ortofon MC's are on the radar too, along with a Dynavector Arthur was trying to peddle to me, ("virgin" apparantly - like I'm gonna believe he can remember what a virgin is :D ), and the Shelter 5000 some of the more rational on AOS seem to rate highly.

Let me know how the armboards go Andrew. I think the platter mod (and suspension upgrade to take the weight) are likely to appeal to you most, unless you are a direct drive boy. Vector unfortunately for the moment seems to mean drive on sub-chassis, and that means DC motor (export is the old Linn/Rega AC motor) and that means you might as well get decent control electronics, and - well, that racks up the price a bit. Especially since it means at a minimum some drilling of the top-plate (I am going to go carbon fibre - and as Daniel has pointed out, you can lose limbs if you don't know what you're doing with that stuff) But if we can get this bloody platter mod to work - we may have a near perfect TT. Pity nobody makes it any more! :whistle:
Not Funk Firms paid marketing department - but friend of Arthur K's and ex-Pink Triangle.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Dr Bunsen Honeydew »

None are made anymore. The best turntables ever are all out of production. By a large consensus this was the best one ever made.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Oldpinkman »

Certainly looks a tasty bit of kit. It would need a much bigger market for vinyl to get organisations like Technics / Panasonic back into that market. It should be fun modifying mine - as long as I remind myself the merits of patience.
Not Funk Firms paid marketing department - but friend of Arthur K's and ex-Pink Triangle.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by Andrew »

Just thought I'd give an update. I've only been back a short time but I've made three armboards. Acrylic/balsa sandwich, Acrylic/Alu sandwich and Delrin. Delrin wins easy for me. It's also very nice to work with.

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Re: DIY Armboard

Post by jammy395 »

Good on ya Andrew - Im afraid I just wouldn't have the patience faffing about..... :clap:

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