Can the world act fast?

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Can the world act fast?

Unread post by karatestu »

After yesterday's IPPC climate change report and code red warning for humanity, it is clear we have to act fast to keep warming to no more than 2 degrees.

How fast can we cut emissions? Governments are not known to do anything quickly unless it is in its interest or lines it's members pockets. Capitalism is just not compatible with saving the planet imo. For me cutting emissions doesn't go nearly far enough. It requires a whole new way of life and change in expectations for us selfish, consumption crazy and increasingly high standard of living loving junkies.

Time has run out for climate change deniers.

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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by SteveTheShadow »

Johnson is an empty gasbag. He’s already waving carrot and stick proposals about to get people to switch to green boilers and retrofit insulation. CARROT AND FECKING STICK. What about just carrot you know. We all know what the crack is. Massive energy bills coming, to line the pockets of the super rich. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. simples! Job done as far as idle bastard Johnson is concerned.
What the hell is it with these people. The government managed to convert every appliance to North Sea gas in the 60s/early 70s ( yes, even Ted Heath) without everyone having to fork out the equivalent of thousands of pounds! For fuck’s sake the world burns whilst these arseholes bicker over who is going to pay. One thing is for sure. The elderly, poor and vulnerable are going to get a lot poorer, a lot more vulnerable and a bloody lot colder.

Never mind, the planet does not need saving. It doesn’t give a fuck. It will deal with the parasites roaming its surface unchecked within a hundred years.
Last edited by SteveTheShadow on Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by CN211276 »

I have always been convinced that we are being lead down a very expensive garden path. Climate is not stable and over mileniums there are constant changes, often very rapid. In recent times we have had the Medieval warm period followed by the little ice age. There is little doubt that on the whole things are warming up, but this is a natural process human activity having a very minimal effect. There are a lot of complex factors at work such as activity on the sun, the earths orbit and the tilt of its axis.

This new religion which is giving goverments a good excuse to tax us is pissing me off. Althogh dissenters are no longer burnt at the stake comparisons can be made with the Catholic Church and Inquisition. Desenting academic voices are denighed funding and students will not progress if they do not tow the line. It is the same with the media. David Atenborogh is still going strong with the BBC whilst the late David Bellemy was ostrecised when he spoke the truth. I have been villified on line by brain washed sheep for saying that I leave my power amps on stand by.
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ljones67 (Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:39 am)
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by SteveTheShadow »

Oh yes CN,
I’m under no doubt that we will be thoroughly rinsed of cash and hung out to dry. And furthermore why do people keep talking about carbon? It isn’t carbon, it’s carbon dioxide. If they are going to be serious about things. They should start using correct terminology instead of bullshit soundbites. Life is made of carbon compounds and sentient life breathes out CO2.
If we all breathe at half the rate we do now, think of the savings we’d make. There’s another cheap one for Johnson.

“Save The Planet. Breathe Less.” Mind you that’s five words. Too many for us plebs to understand.
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by karatestu »

I agree that the ordinary and vulnerable people of this world are the ones that will end up being fucked over and paying for what ever measures are implemented by governments. There will be huge winners in this as that is how the evil of capitalism, selfishness and gluttony works.

However I do not agree that this climate report can or should be ignored. It is my understanding that an awful lot of climate scientists from all over the world were involved in the production of this report. Are they all deluded or on the payroll (or both) ? Do we have people here on HFS that are more educated than them on climate matters ?

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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by ljones67 »

UK Column talked about climate change yesterday and mentioned this report / declaration: ... t-2020.pdf

James Dellingpole also did a really interesting show with Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore recently:
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by Copperblue »

Too many selfish white old men in positions of power that don’t really care about the future.

It could be possible if we invested in technology and made the right choices - the sun provides more than enough energy several times over.

However we live in a world where nationalist populism and right wing led isolation (eg Brexit) is on the rise. The exact opposite of what the human race needs right now…….
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SteveTheShadow (Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:14 am)
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by savvypaul »

Can China, India, Africa, South America be persuaded that they need to do without the economic advantages that Europe and the US gained for themselves through the use of fossil fuels?
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by SteveTheShadow »

Copperblue wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:06 am However we live in a world where nationalist populism and right wing led isolation (eg Brexit) is on the rise. The exact opposite of what the human race needs right now…….
Right wing arseholes have never been what the world needs…ever.
History teaches us that there is only one way we get rid of these people and it always cost the lives of millions of innocent people to get it done.
Gene Roddenberry of Star trek fame predicted 2026, so not long to go before the shit hits the fan if he was right.

I’ll go away now.
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CycleCoach (Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:49 am) • Copperblue (Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:59 pm)
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Re: Can the world act fast?

Unread post by Grumpytim »

Unless my memory is really playing tricks with me, I seem to recall in the 70's/80's the worry was about a new ice age as well as the possibility of a nuclear winter. It's quite possible I've miss remembered this, but my point is that our understanding of this planet and how it works is constantly evolving. I'm inclined to give this report a degree of credence and to be honest even if I didn't I feel that we should try to live in a more sustainable way regardless of climate change. We only have the one planet, it is a finite resource and it is incumbent on us the current inhabitants to pass it on to the future inhabitants in as good a state as we possibly can.

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