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Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:55 pm
by Ordinaryman
For me the access to books is as important as music. Some of my favourite books took me to places I had never considered. Stranger in a strange land, I robot, sapiens, nemesis and many many more. You?

Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:24 pm
by savvypaul
When I was 10, I started reading Sven Hassel books. They were exceptionally sweary, but my Dad liked war films and felt no need for a closer inspection. After I went through the supply in North Weald library, he started bringing them home for me. I think Porta and Tiny's inspiration possibly took me to the headmaster's office once, when I went through an all too brief period of being able to fart loudly, on demand, in assembly and lessons. The first 'proper' book I chose to read (not selected for me by the English teacher) was 'The Executioner's Song' by Norman Mailer.

I do love reading but books are just a little way behind music, for me, in terms of emotional connection, I think. This is the one I'm on, now...


Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:40 pm
by Ordinaryman
When I was about a similar age my father would bring home books for me to read, White fang possibly the first I remember? Followed by the complete works of Dickens. Almost impossible to read at that age but I later found them illuminating. Currently enthralled by Joe Nesbo.

Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:58 pm
by slinger
I always have at least one book on the go, well, one "Nook" or one "Kindle," anyway. After my years of commuting to one place or another I always had a book for the train, and for quiet moments at work. In my last full-time job somebody actually asked me, in the staff canteen one lunchtime, "How come you've always got your head stuck in a book?" The answer I gave him was that "All the time I'm in here - pointing to the book - I'm not in here," looking around the canteen. I think he understood.

These days, to be honest, I find myself as happy reading in silence as I do listening to music, but of course, I live alone, and silence is actually a possibility for me. :lol:

Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:44 pm
by NSNO2021

Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:38 pm
by Fretless
Recently read 'Killing Commendatore' by Haruki Murakami.

One of his very best that transports you to a surreal mystery in the countryside of Japan.

Highly recommended.

Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:01 pm
by Lindsayt
I'm still waiting for my local libraries to properly open again. Maybe it will happen in the summer...

I'm two thirds of the way through the CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Volume 1.

It's nice to mix up fiction and non-fiction. And to add in some self improvement books now and again too.

None of my children like reading. It's not something I'd force on them. I can't understand why they don't enjoy the process of reading. And they don't understand how I can sit down and be entertained by a book.
I suppose it's a different generation now. And thinking about it, there were plenty of kids in my year at school that weren't into reading.
My non-book-loving daughter has - after a lot of indecsion - decided to do English Lit A-Level. :angelic-little:

Re: Books that you took you somewhere.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:42 am
by CN211276
In recent years my reading has centered upon autobiagraphies and biogrophies, mainly concerning rock. The quality varies a lot and often more can be gained between the lines. Currently reading a book on fishing I had for Christmas.