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Wrestling with the big issues

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:33 am
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn

We all know that stinky coil of shoite known as Steve Miller Band track, "The Joker".

"Some people call me Maurice
Because I speak of the pompitous of love"


Re: Wrestling with the big issues

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:57 am
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn
A program on the CBC stated there is no such word - that Miller made it up.

The Oxford English Dictionary says "pompatus" means "to act with pomp and splendor."

So then it is a verb? (It does not mean pomp & splendor, but TO ACT with pomp & splendor.)

Hence the way Miller puts it, it makes no sense.

"Because I speak of acting with the grandeur of love"


I always thought a "pompatus" was external part of female sex - the mons-wotsit.

Re: Wrestling with the big issues

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:16 am
by Engypoos
No no....that the Quiff

Re: Wrestling with the big issues

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:52 am
by Fretless
From Wikipedia:

Pompatus (or Pompitus) (/ˈpɒmpətəs/) is an unusual word used by Steve Miller famously in his 1973 hit single "The Joker". The word is probably a corruption or imagined version of the word "puppetuse," an original coinage, written by a fourteen year old Vernon Green, and subsequently released in 1954 as the Doo Wop song "The Letter" performed by himself and The Medallions -- a song which also included another original coinage, "pismotality." In other songs, "Enter Maurice" and "The Conversation," Miller adds the word "epismetology" to "pompatus," one in spoken word, the style of "The Letter," in a likely homage to the Doo Wop song. The oddness of the word "pompatus" occasioned some attention and further use, including being used in the title of a movie.[1]

Because of its peculiarity, the word pompatus has secured a niche in 20th century pop culture. Wolfman Jack frequently referenced the phrase and there is a sound clip of him using the line within the song "Clap for the Wolfman" by The Guess Who. The Pompatus of Love, a 1996 film starring Jon Cryer, featured four men discussing a number of assorted topics, including attempts to determine the meaning of the phrase.[2] Jon Cryer was also a writer of the film, and describes finding out the meaning of the phrase during a phone call with Vernon Green in his autobiography "so that happened" in chapter 22, page 217. The line has been mentioned in various television show gags, including The Simpsons and South Park.[citation needed]

Humor columnist Dave Barry frequently refers to the song line as a source of comedic value, particularly in his 1997 book Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs. 'Pompatus' is used by Michael Ondaatje in his 2001 book Anil's Ghost. Stephen King uses the word in his 2006 novel Lisey's Story. Tim Dorsey uses the word in his 2010 novel, Gator a-Go-Go. It was the subject of the October 9, 2011 Over the Hedge comic strip.[3]

Re: Wrestling with the big issues

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:53 am
by Latteman
Man! How do you sleep- at lest it’s an isolated song- no other artist would dare do such

Re: Wrestling with the big issues

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:10 pm
by Fearless Fosdick
If you want unambiguous in a song I suggest some country music might just the ticket Missy. Might just be the change you need.