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Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:02 pm
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Off topic but I have been answering some questions as I have been found :mrgreen: you might or might not like the answers but I will post them here for hopefully interesting content.

Simplest meaning = air
More complex = breathing
Even more complex = the energy derived from breathing
Most complex = the energy that is life

Everything that lives has Qi no matter how simple or complex. A plant derives energy from breathing / taking in carbon dioxide, we (animals) do it with oxygen. Each one give the other Qi as a waste product - balance - yin/yang - tao
Qi at higher levels communicates and can be used as all energy can, it is first learning to observe it, then learning to move it, then learning to use it.
Most Qi is under genetic control, each human organ and function has a dedicated Qi. There is also free Qi which is the energy we can play with.
As humans we live in a state of constant noise created by ourselves and others, the monkey brain chatters, it wont shut up. Still your mind and still your body and what you see/feel is Qi.

Qigong simply means working with Qi. You start by learning how to breath and follow the energy, you end up many many years latter understanding why you live and what you live for, and how to die.

Re: Qi

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:41 am
by karatestu
Very interesting Doc.

At the end of our karate lessons we sit crossed legged with eyes closed and straight back. Combined with deep breathing i find it very calming. I know this is very basic compared to what you know and have taught but i can see the potential benefits. There is a lot i dont know and would like to learn some day.

Do you think it is the secret to a long life ? It must have helped fight your recent ilness Doc ?

Yes, life is too busy and noisy these days. I have been having reflexology for years now and following a treatment i feel calm, composed and at one with the world. Does not last long enough though.


Re: Qi

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:11 am
by Dr Bunsen Honeydew
Who knows, it may have helped but I doubt it. My last master Tian Ying Jia died of Lung Cancer at 76, smoked like a chimney, died very quickly after diagnosis. Science in the name of Erlotinib (Tarceva) saved my life for the extra time I have been given.

I do not believe any energy work is curative, apart from I have techniques for helping repair muscle and bone damage (a form of Chi Na), normally given if you hurt a student in training. I am sure there must be preventative benefit related to stress. BUT *real* stress is a good thing, it is a motivator, like most energetic results you learn to use it not it using you.