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Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:55 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:25 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn

One of my all-time favorite films. Part directed by the great Powell (The Red Shoes, Black Narcissus,Peeping Tom)

England during the Blitz, but this is not a war story and even though "The Glueman" mystery seems to be the main line here, it isn't really about that either. Its about love of the land.

An American soldier, a British commander and a "land" girl take a diversion from their work itinerary to go to Canterbury and the great cathedral - not by the traditional Roman road of Chaucer's Pilgrimage, but by train. But there are complications and they are forced to over-night at a village not far from their destination . They arrive in the dark ( you can hardly make out Charles Hawtrey as station-master) and almost immediately a figure in the darkness pours glue on the woman's hair. Later they find out this is the 12th victim.
Absolutely wonderful film of quiet grandeur. Two or three shots of the woman against the sky which remain ingrained in my memory.

One of those movies ,were it filmed in colour,would lose half its charm.

First movie I chose to watch on my new TV.

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:30 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn
A CASUAL VACANCY (2015 4 part mini series, UK)

Third time Blind Chile is watching this.
One of the best things I've seen come out of Britain in a long while.

This is the type of film no American could make.

I guessed correctly that this is the style of film that could only be written by a woman - and I was correct. From the novel by J.K. (Harry Potter) Rowling, screenplay written by Sarah Phelps.

Like a modern-day Dickens in that there are something like 24 reaccuring characters, yet you never get bogged-down - it all flows smoothly. Phelps did a wonderful job paring-down the over-400-page novel to a 3 hour film.

Barry (Rory Kinnear) is the village's Goodfellow; crusader,guardian for humanity. The seeming-sole force of good amongst all these selfish people. He is the lynchpin for possible future good, but he dies (of an aneurism) early in the film -and even earlier in the novel. He is the created "vacancy". The three males running for village Council are all pathetic and weak-willed. Easily manipulated by the Machiavellian, but charming Morrison couple (Gambon & wife, McKenzie). Progress is going to have its way and it will be no contest.

Julia McKenzie (Miss Marple) is magnificent in this.

A gentle, un-forced sadness runs through this story of idyllic , modern-day village Pagford and "progress" VS the poor.

Fine, clever soundtrack as well.

Highly, highly recommended.

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:54 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn
THE BOXER'S OMEN (2006, Japan)

This is easily the zaniest , martial arts action-horror film ever made.
Watching this is like watching a giant anthill of crazed, amphetamine-ants.
You got it all here: black wizards, Uriah heep demons, sexpot zombie, flying HEADS for fucksake!

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:56 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn

Delightful, eccentric, quirky film. Much recommended.
Director cites influence of Python, Sellers & Laurel & Hardy.
cannibalism & incest

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:05 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn



Wot were dems finkin'. Only bared breasties were cannibal girls.

"Wrath of Aguirre" along this line , were way bettah.

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:33 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn

If I knew Bent (Bighead) Cumberbitch was in this, I would not of taken it out of the library.

Fucki' Cumberbitch, like Tom Hanks, getting ALL the roles. Give some other actors a chance ,you bitches.

Bentdick Numbtosnatch, moreloikes.

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:39 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn
CALENDAR (Armenia/Germany ,1993)

Oh fox!

Armenian/Canadian director makes this film starring himself and his wife. He is the photographer who has a commission to photograph historic Armenian churches for a proposed calendar. The guide is a handsome Armenian and she tags along as interperter.

So the film is basically this: the woman and guide standing in front of some ruin and us, the stupid audience waiting for his rambles and then her translation concerning each and every church they visit . The woman (and wife of the photographer) becomes drawn to the guide who questions her loyalty to Armenia and has she forgotten her ethnic roots. He begins to critcize the photographer: "Have you done any research on any of these churches before you came , or is this just another job to you?" She finds herself more drawn to the guide.
This alternates between recurring scenes of the photographer, back in his apartment in the West on what appears to be one blind date after another with beautiful women - all of which, at one point in the meal, ask if they can use his phone and they start speaking in a foreign tongue -obviously they just came to make the longdistance call to abscent lovers.

Thats about fucking it.

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:45 pm
by Mississippi Blind Child Assburn


hERE IT IS (entire movie with subtitles) :

In medieval "godforsaken" Carpathians in a village amongst bitter family rivalries , the boy Ivan falls in love with the child Marichka, daughter of his father's murderer.

In later years Marichka drowns . Their love was such that people made up songs about it.
Wretched, defeated, brooding Ivan marries but she is no Marichka.
He begins seeing the spirit of Marichka. The new wife, wishing to get him back and longing for a child, seeks the aid of sorcery.

Some startling visuals here (like the search for Marichka's drowned body down the river at night)that stick in the mind.

Remarkable film.

Re: Movie/series wot Blind Chile just watched

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:53 pm
by Engypoos
Good un.
Shit acting
Shit script.
Great gore.
Great tits n bums !