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Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:11 am
by Lindsayt
In the last 2 weeks I've watched Season 1's of Yes Minister and Breaking Bad.

Yes Minister could have beeen set in 2019 and still be a commentary on the state of politics in Britain.

Over the last 4 months I've watched all 8 seasons of 90 Day Fiance. Even though it's sometimes scripted or edited to make things look more dramatic than they are, this programme is still at times an observation on how to get on / succeed with / handle your romantic partner or how not to.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:41 am
by slinger
I've been a bit under the weather, so I've managed to watch all of season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery, and I'm into s3 now. I'm also still watching Foundation, and I still can't make my mind up about it.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:10 am
by Grumpytim
How funny - I've just re watched Discovery 1 % 2 and am about to start on season 3 again. I won't spoil it for you.

As for Foundation, goodness knows I've just re read the first 3 books which in hindsight was a mistake. For goodness sakes we're 5 episodes in without a resolved Seldon crisis, by now we should be up to Hober Mallow at least. I think the only similarity with the books will be that they have some characters with the same names as those in the book. As for Dornick????

That said whatever it is they are doing, they are doing it on a grand scale and it's probably even more enjoyable if all you know is the potted wiki story that most people will read and then claim that like kung fu, they know Foundation.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:42 am
by Fretless
Star Trek Discovery season 4 is scheduled to start in late November.

And there a several more Trek spinoffs in production. Can't wait.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:05 am
by Grumpytim
I would really like to have seen a Pike/Spock spin off from season 2 rather than Picard do a reprise of 'old men in space' but there you go.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:59 am
by Fretless
Grumpytim wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:05 am I would really like to have seen a Pike/Spock spin off from season 2 rather than Picard do a reprise of 'old men in space' but there you go.
Your prayers will be answered! :pray:

'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' is being made and will continue the story of Pike, Spock and the original Enterprise up until the accident that leaves Pike crippled (remember 'The Cage' and 'The Menagerie'?) and some young whippersnapper named Kirk has to take over.


Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:29 am
by Grumpytim
That's great news, I thought they got Pike absolutely right.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 2:11 pm
by slinger
There's a Phillipa Georgiou / Section 31 Star Trek spinoff in the works too, so I've read.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 3:19 pm
by Lindsayt
I've never understood the attraction of the Star Trek follow-on series and spin offs.

I only got into Shatner Star Trek because it was family watching from ever since I can remember. And at the age of 4 you tend to like whatever TV is put in front of you.

Although I never liked anything hosted by Noel Edmunds nor Jimmy Savile.

Maybe someone can put together an argument as to why one of these Star Trek cash-in series are worth watching?
The Picard era episodes that I saw had too much navel gazing and "Let's bring in the therapist" going on for my liking.

Re: Binge watching TV

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:31 pm
by slinger
Not an argument, as such, and to a large degree, I agree with you about the later series. The last one on terrestrial TV, Star Trek: Enterprise was, I thought, the best of the bunch. It almost harkened back to the original, in being a morality play but over a three-season arc rather than individual vignettes. In the original series almost every episode tried to "teach" us something, and had a moral grounding, even if we were too young to appreciate it at the time, it was there, albeit, perhaps, subliminally.

In its way though, it was a huge step forward. Americans, Asians, Russians, aliens, all serving together, and in Nichelle Nichols it had the first black woman in a prominent position onscreen, and eventually the first multi-racial kiss on TV. It broke a lot of new ground.

The new "Star Trek Universe" spinoffs have huge budgets, and the effects are seamless rather than the good old cardboard walls and polystyrene rocks, and, consequently, they look fantastic. Again they have long story arcs as well as the shorter stories contained within one to two episodes. Basically, I think there's more to sink your teeth into than ever before. They also try to stick to the original TV shows' timelines and alien species.

I enjoyed Picard, despite the "Old Men In Space," dig. :lol: Half the fun was spotting the Easter Eggs and joke references to the original TV character and shows - like Picard naming his dog "Number One," - and as for the first time he pointed that finger and said "Engage," I damn near cheered. :lol:

Discovery is definitely the pick of the pair though, it's like a multi-episode blockbuster movie. Lower Decks, the cartoon, is one of my guilty pleasures.