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Re: Can the world act fast?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:48 pm
by CN211276
Climate scientists can confirm that the medieval warm period was the result of human activity, dispelling the myth that it was a natural cyclical phenomenon. The cause has been traced to northern France where, until the eleventh century, there was a coal measure which dwarfed in magnitude anything we have today. It was William of Normandy's desire to conquer Britain which literally sparked the cataclysm. His original intention was to dig a tunnel under the English Channel to enable his forces to invade England without the need to construct ships. Unfortunately this enormous coal measure was in its path. The torches required to light the tunnel ignited the coal and the huge fires could not be contained. The associated CO2 released into the atmosphere initiated the Medieval warm period. It is also likely that this catastrophic climate change was the cause of the Black Death three centuries later.