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Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:32 pm
by Daniel Quinn
Wtf lurcher. You set a dog on a child who is teasing it. :o

May I suggest you act like an adult and stop the child.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:56 pm
by Lurcher300b
Try reading what I actually wrote.

"I agree, but it goes both ways, what (for example) if your child had been poking the dog through a fence with a sharp stick for the last half hour, and then someone opened the gate and let the dog out. Who would you blame then?"

After being tormented, the dog is released by accident. There was no adult present before the gate was opened.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:20 pm
by Neonknight
Ah the discussion of pets. I have owned both cats and dogs, and am not personally fond of cats. Now dogs have to be on leashes, in fenced yards, and generally controlled by responsible owners. It is not always that case, but in a metro area or suburbia, it works that way.

On the other hand its acceptable for people to let their cats roam the neighborhood. Said cat can shit in your flower beds, piss on your car tires, or be a general nuisance. And eventually run out in front of your car and get itself flattened....and then owners are sad. Keep your damn cat indoors! I once bought the wife a very nice Dodge Caravan, the nicest car we owned. I walked out to it one day and there were cat scratch claws going down the hood. Cat had gotten up there to get some engine heat warmth, and apparently slid or jumped off. So my couple of year old Caravan was vandalized by a neighborhood cat, and its all acceptable. Never hated cats, like all animals....but my acceptance of cats and most cat owners went down considerably during my time in that house.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:35 pm
by joe
Daniel Quinn wrote: When I was a child , I had a Labrador from the age of 8 to 20 . He was called Tim and he was lovely. playing with him when I was about 10 , I accidentally bit his paw were it was unbeknown to me cut . He snapped at me and caught my cheek with his incisor teeth and left rather a large hole in my left cheek. He was not put down .
I've done some dumb things in my time, but by the age of ten even I would have known that putting a dog's paw anywhere near my mouth was a bad idea, cut or not. I'm trying to visualise a scenario in which you could have bitten his paw 'accidentally', but am not succeeding.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:33 pm
by Daniel Quinn
joe wrote:
Daniel Quinn wrote: When I was a child , I had a Labrador from the age of 8 to 20 . He was called Tim and he was lovely. playing with him when I was about 10 , I accidentally bit his paw were it was unbeknown to me cut . He snapped at me and caught my cheek with his incisor teeth and left rather a large hole in my left cheek. He was not put down .
I've done some dumb things in my time, but by the age of ten even I would have known that putting a dog's paw anywhere near my mouth was a bad idea, cut or not. I'm trying to visualise a scenario in which you could have bitten his paw 'accidentally', but am not succeeding.
Joe you have always been 95 . We were playing. Dogs like to play . I was forever playfully biting his nose and paws and he would playfully bite my hand to try and stop me.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:22 pm
by Lurcher300b
We were playing. Dogs like to play . I was forever playfully biting his nose and paws and he would playfully bite my hand to try and stop me.
One of the most important part of training a dog is to suppress its bite reflex. Your "play" had the opposite result. Could I suggest this is a example of expecting a dog to behave like a human? And more importantly interpreting its behaviour in human terms.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:02 pm
by Daniel Quinn
You can suggest all the bollocks you like.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:24 pm
by slinger
You bit a dog, the dog bit you back. How was that the dog's fault, and were you punished for your part in it D.Q?

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:08 am
by Daniel Quinn
There is no response to lurchers cod dog psychology except it is bollocks.

And slinger is doing is usual trick of assuming he understands the point I made and then arguing with himself in a manner reminiscent of father jack.

Re: The Grateful Dead.....

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:44 am
by Lurcher300b
Whatever, my point is how easy it is to misunderstand the relationship dynamics between humans and dogs. Claiming my understanding is flawed is probably true, but it is based on conversation with more than one fully trained canine behaviourist. The fact that you still believe that "locking jaws" exist throw more doubt on your understanding of this subject.