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Re: Chickens, Hell Yeah!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:49 pm
by Welder
When I finally got sick of being an engineer I went fencing, initially with a mate and later had a small fencing subcontracting company for about ten years Jammy, so fair play for doing it yourself. :clap:

I do a fair amount of fencing over here in Catalonia.
The stocknet fence in this pic below is to provide a secure enclosure for Phoenix our 70 kilo Ram. The straining posts are a metre in the ground :o ; hand dug holes I might add, all back rammed (no concrete).



The post and rail surrounds the house in an attempt to keep the sheep from eating the flowers and trashing the vegetable garden. :pray:



Just to keep it on topic, here are a couple of the chicken houses I’ve built.
The yellow one is the hospital unit and the blue one, mother and babies sheltered housing. :mrgreen:


Re: Chickens, Hell Yeah!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:57 pm
by jammy395
Some Set up you have there Welder, lovin it....... :clap:
My Blackrocks would need sun tan lotion & Shades if they lived there.....Seriously they aint to keen on the heat. :animals-chickencatch:

Re: Chickens, Hell Yeah!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:58 pm
by Welder
Cheepy (the first picture) got killed today, probably by a mink. In the picture she's sitting on a clutch of eggs. she cracked TEN! and brought up an army comprising 5 males and 5 females. She used to sit on my shoulder as I cleaned out the chicken houses and on my lap if I sat in the shade for a while. I'll miss her.